Some of My Friends Read Comics 218 – Emperor Doom + Earth X #5

It’s been a while since we read something from the Marvel Graphic Novel series, so we’re going back to read Emperor Doom, a story where Dr. Doom steals Purple Man’s powers and takes over the world. 

Doom actually does a pretty good job, until the Avengers screw everything up.

It’s really all Wonder Man’s fault that world hunger is still a thing.

Then we move onto Earth X #5 in which Uatu continues to be very mean to X-51.


Next Time: The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1-6

Some of My Friends 138 – Black Panther: DoomWar + Squadron Supreme #3

What’s that Doctor Doom scamp trying to steal this time? Oh, it’s all the vibranium in Wakanda. Yikes. We read DoomWar from 2010 in which he succeeds?!?!?! Oh no.

And wait until you see which Deadpool character named Deadpool shows up to help the Black Panther out, it’s a real shocker.

We also read Squadron Supreme #3 and got some pretty unacceptable behavior from one of them old boys.


Next Time: Tales from the Crypt #17-19 (found in the Tales from the Crypt: The EC Archives Vol 1)

Some of My Friends Read Comics 082 – Fantastic Four 57-60: Dr. Doom Steals the Silver Surfer’s Powers + Crisis 3


Doctor Doom loves to steal powers!

After touching on it in our last episode, we wanted to see more of his crazy schemes, so we went back to Fantastic Four 57-60 from the mid 1960s to watch him steal the Silver Surfer’s cosmic powers.

Ol’ Stan and Jack really had a good time with this one.

We also continued our read of Crisis on Infinite Earths with issue #3 which is getting slightly easier to understand. Slightly.


Next Time: FF (2012) #4-8 – “Fantastic Faux”